Question: is there anything we should do to prepare the Gathering? What is needed? What are we being asked to do?
‘At this moment don’t do anything, don’t plan anything. At this moment there is a lot of guidance from other planes or dimensions. Everyone on the planet needs to be aligned to the same greater plan and that takes time. So people are all adjusting at the moment and that takes a lot of effort. But when there is a need to move and a need to take initiative, it will be given to you. In that way you take the lead energetically. The Lake Kinneret has a specific function to activate the heart consciousness. This is the birthing of the heart, the connecting with all the tribes of humanity. For the moment you just practice and connect with each other, so you are able to hold the space. And then, when the moment comes, you will know, it will be very clear. You are the midwives that start the birthing process. So enjoy waiting.’
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