‘There is a deep need to act in this time. Life is not only a matter of philosophy, or thinking – positive thinking or spiritual thinking – it is a time for action. For gathering the tribes, to come together and form new communities of children, of elder people, of business people, of visionaries, of writers and artists. It is a time to call them: to call their names and to communicate the wisdom that is already there.
The next phase is that spiritual wisdom has to be shared with everyone, so people can put it into action and into their own lives. This is a very important phase, and this is where you step in, A., because you have this power, this queenly power, of leading people, quite selflessly. This is what people need: to be given direction to a common goal. You don’t need to know everything, you don’t need to know where it is all coming from. You have the capacity to bring spiritual knowledge on a very earthly basis, so people are willing to move.
The process you are involved in is letting go of the old worldview, and stepping into the power, that is really you. There is actually nothing that holds you back. The door is wide open. Enjoy the power that is you. Be the queen, be the power, be A..’
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