07.19 PALESTINA, Jericho, Wadi Qelt, Walk Your Own Path

‘This is the moment of decision: to walk your path, you have to follow your own steps. This looks very easy, but it isn’t. Sometimes you have to let go of people, of friends, let go of beloved ones, let go of people who have been joining you on the road… And yet, painful as it is, it is very important to make choices, consciously.

To walk with me in the broad daylight is not for everyone, because it is a challengeing road. It is a road of joy and suffering, but not a road of fear or suppression. It is a road to freedom. But freedom is not easy, it takes work. It takes from you to let go of your preconditions, your anger, your judgements. If there is anything you can do in this place, it is to let go of any judgements of others and free yourself from all negativity, of fears, all preconditions, because I’m your guide and I’m with you all the time. There is only trust, there is only love that leads the way. Nothing else. So be thankful for everything that is happening to you in this moment, because it helps you to be free.’

‘I’m ready to obey your will. I’m fully ready to obey your will. I’m ready to fully obey your will.’


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