07.45 PALESTINE, Jericho, Rachel Speaks

Tuning into the 12th Healing Conference in Jericho that will start that same night, together with Annelies and Stijn. Hearing the voice of Rachel, the wife of Jacob.

‘I’m in so much pain, I’m in so much suffering of my people, my sons, my daughters, my tribe. All of them, not only mine, but all our children, they are suffering. Because we could not honour our love. We were betrayed through love, and so our love, which was very pure, became contaminated. There was betrayal and jealousy between the women. We were not sisters. We were fighting for the attention of men. Especially, this man Jacob. And he was lost, he didn’t know what to do. So, he was suffering as well.

I’m telling you this, so you can have clarity about the past… about your past. Because you are stepping into this place of the Jewish people to find a solution for the conflict of your time. You need our help, our pieces of the puzzle that we couldn’t solve a long long time ago. But this is still valid today, this is still creating suffering. It’s in the relationship between men and women, that you can find the key to the solution. Not so much in a religion, or any other issue. It is about love and it is about the betrayal of love, the suffering of love.

Share your stories of love, share your passions, share your pains, your suffering. So you get to the core of what was happening in our time. By telling the story, you can release the suffering, you can release the past, let go of it. So the Jewish people can be part of the whole world community. They’re still locked out of it. They still locked themselves out. If they can release their suffering, they can be in service to humanity instead of draining the energy. They can take their role to take leadership of humanity, by reconnecting to the divine, by connecting to the Shechina. So all the tribes can come together in the holy city, the holy city of the heart.

You don’t need peace, you need love. Because through love, you start to bridge the polarity. Love conquers hatred and misunderstanding, which is of the mind. Connect to the greater field of people working on the same issue, because there are many more who have pieces of the puzzle. If you represent the Jewish people, the others have their representation. It is like a great constellation.

We are with you in this process. So, don’t worry. Call on us, call for help, call for our presence. So we can be released from our bondage and the world community can come together in oneness. You are almost there, it is just a few steps, but it is darkest just before dawn. So don’t give up. Don’t go with false compromises. You just have to follow the heart, and stay true to yourselves. Even if you don’t know where you’re heading, take your leadership.’


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