07.54 PALESTINE, Jericho, From Transcending Duality to Oneness

The 13th Healing Conference, the final conclusion.

‘What started in 2005 with the theme of transcending duality, ends 13 years later with oneness. You’ve come full circle. Thus you’re in the last steps towards the finale, experiencing all kinds of obstacles and distractions to keep you from the path. It is oh so easy to stumble just in front of the finish, to avoid success, to avoid the manifestation of your efforts of all these 13 years. Because when you’ve come round this circle, it will manifest stronger and stronger in the outside world.

It is not so much the result of your conference that counts, but the intention that you set out, because by the intention the results will be measured. If it is seen in the outside world or not, that does not matter, it is really about you holding the intention, holding the space for what you have in mind, for the vision you have in your heart and soul.

This vision is a great vision about change on earth and about awakening the feminine energy, awakening the Goddess. Awakening women to take their power and stand strong in who they are, so change can happen. This is actually happening at the moment all over the world. So, in this respect, your work has been very successful, because it contributes to this field of awakening Mother Earth, the Great Goddess. That’s what you have been doing on this lowest place of the earth, for all this time.

Now you come to the last few steps towards this moment of oneness. Out of the twelve, the one becomes visible. That is the Christ, both in men and in women. It is the one and it is arising within many. So take courage and trust. Keep your belief in your faith in what you have set to do and complete it. And thus you can go to a next level. Many blessings.’

Is it necessary that there are people from the region in the conference, or is it just an vision we are having?

‘The right people will be there. So don’t worry about who is coming. But it’s good of course to set out your intention through different channels. But don’t be worried about who will come or not. You only have to spread your vision. Don’t be attached to the outcome. So send it out anyway.’

But we have to focus more and more on the vision?

‘Yeah, that’s it. Hold that energy very strongly. That is why people are coming, that’s why they are attracted, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. They will feel what you are doing. So leave away the strategy, leave that over to us. There is no strategy in this. It’s just a strong manifestation of willpower and intention, soul intention.’

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