36.11 PORTUGAL, Porto, The Pearl in the Shell

We are celebrating Anne’s birthday in a small restaurant in Porto. We are tuning in to what Porto brings us. I see a two-tailed mermaid and this is what I hear:

“You have found the pearl in the shell. This used to be the capital of the whole country of Gal. Porto-gal, the Galician era, Galician people, based on the goddess Galiciana, Gaeliach. She was a goddess coming from the sea, from the ocean, bringing life to this continent, bringing a culture that wasn’t here before. The high civilisation coming from the Black Sea had its offspring here. A new era started, when the people came here by boat and found this place, found this harbour, this river. From here they started to populate the whole land, the whole sea area of Portugal, the coast of Portugal.

So it is a point of origin, a starting point for a new beginning. And this is where you are, my dears, as well. A new point to start from. Don’t despair, don’t try to control or grasp what we are trying to tell you. This is the way the Celts were led by the goddess as well. They trusted the elements, and the winds, and the sea, to bring them to the right place. And this is where they ended up. Follow your path, go down south, follow the water, and the next step will reveal itself.”


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