35.01 PAKISTAN, Lahore, The Blue People

‘In Lahore is the Great Mother Temple, but what was this originally? This was the place where you incarnated for the very first time. It’s the beginning of civilisation, the craddle of civilisation, where the blue people originated.

The blue people were coming from… (I hear the name of a planet, but cannot hear it well, the Pleiades?)… the Pleiades, and they brought a specific information – which is information about reincarnation and using the body for evolution. It is here that the codes of the transformation have been stored, the codes that are needed for the next step in evolution.

So when you go back to this place, you will open up these codes. These codes have been waiting for eons of time, for this moment that humankind will use another part of their brains and their bodies. Because there is so much stored in your bodies, but you have only discovered or used about 20% of it. Still 80% is sleeping and it needs to be activated, so you will be able to use all these qualities for this next stage.

Basically they are connected to interstellar communication, but also interhuman communication from brain to brain. Like what you are creating now, like an internet with 5G, this is all possible through your own bodies and your own minds. But the activation hasn’t started yet, only with a few people. But it is time that all over the planet people are able to connect with each other, so there will be one body and one humanity.

So it is part of your next step. Are you willing to come and activate this new program? The software program for the human mind and the human soul? It is just there waiting for you to be revealed and to be started.’


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