Tuning into the old castle Ishak Pasha.
‘The old temple beyond Ishak Pasa was called the Gates of Hell, but it is also the entrance to heaven and the sacred tree of life, which is hidden deep within the mountain. It is the original code of humankind, but since this was so important there has been a lot of fighting in different dimensions, to protect this energy.
So here is the invitation for the nine of you, to release all the suffering and the pain and anger, which holds and distorts the entrance to this sacred underground temple. Delve deep into the earth by body and by spirit. And create a circle of light for all the souls to be able to go to the light.
It is here that the reunion of light and darkness can take place, because it is here that it has started. It is the beginning and it is the end. Be well and know that we are with you. Don’t forget to invite us in and join you in your quest to the original blueprint of mankind. Many blessings.’
(Suddenly the light in the room goes out.)
‘Go in the darkness to bring the light and to receive the light. Know that everything you do will be happening synchronised within the world. So everything is connected. It’s like the future is coming towards you. And both future and past will melt into the moment of oneness on the full moon of the 18th.’
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