06.44 EGYPT, Taba, Leadership of the Heart

Tuning into the Israeli hotel at the border of Taba.

‘My children, this is the Mother speaking. Leave behind your habits, your comfort zone. Leave your usual lives, because there is a new road unfolding. Go beyond the borders, of the normal, the things you are used to. It is this new path that demands from you to take leadership, to show the way, even if you don’t know where to go. It’s about being you, being who you are, that will shine a light for many other people. You are beacons of light.

It’s all about leadership of the heart at this moment, leading by love. It is time now to ring the bell, to warn people to take another route. We know that this is a great task, but it’s the only thing you can do. So make small steps, maybe just by doing nothing, by sitting still and waiting. But still you are holding space for this new path to unfold. Don’t be disillusioned by a closed door. While you connect to the heart, many doors open throughout the whole world. This is the only task you have to do, to focus on the heart and to go inwards and the world will open.’


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