07.47 PALESTINE, Nazareth, Maria in Nazareth

Maria: ‘It is from the womb that new life begins. Just like I gave birth to a son, when I was a young woman. This was my home town. But I knew that this new life growing in me was also a spiritual birth, the beginning of new era. Because I had these visions of the divine that was coming to me and talking to me. Just like the vision of the angel Gabriel, calling me to be the mother of mankind.

You are called as well to birth the universal Christ into being, to be a collective womb – this feminine vessel through which new life can come to earth. Just by opening up and relaxing and being who you are, this new energy can come into form through you, through who you are. You don’t need to do anything.

From this birth you will create a line from Nazareth to Jerusalem, city of the sacred marriage, the heavenly Jerusalem, connection between heaven and earth. So the cosmic Christ can incarnate in this place and become of service for mankind. Not anymore in one person, but in many people, many young people, who can hear the calling of the sacred heart to act through the heart and to create a new world of life.’

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