07.57 PALESTINE, Ramallah, Mary and the Seed of Hope

The question is about the Virgin Mary. I wonder what she was doing when she was pregnant. How did she carry whatever was given to her. How was she guided, supported, especially in the darkest moments?

‘I am really honoured to be of service here, as a woman to a woman. Because you know the secrets of life and death and transformation. It are these deep secrets of the feminine that are creating and nourishing and caring for the world to come. You hold the future in your hands and in your belly and in your heart. You have the keys to the door. All you can do is to be with it, to wait, to keep hope alive, to keep this flame kindled in yourself.

It’s a very small light that is guiding you, it’s like a whisper, but it’s very powerful. One seed grows into a huge tree, but the power of the seed is what you perceive at the moment. The potential of it, what can come out of it. So all it needs is holding the space, holding yourself, caring for this preciousness, caring for the fragility of it, caring for the vulnerability. So the huge inspiration can incarnate. The bigger the inspiration, the more you need this ‘holding space’. Sometimes it needs feminine friends, like I had a couple of women who nurtured me, to hold the space. They understood what I was going through, because I wasn’t only carrying a child, I was carrying a future for millions of people.

It’s not that you feel that day by day, but there are moments that you are aware of it. That you’re standing at the beginning, at the source of a large river, which will end up into the sea. You are one of these women connected to the source, to hold the vision. Knowing that it will one day grow and grow and flow into the world, where it will have its manifestation, its form. But it’s still in its infancy, in its seed form.

So the things you do to nurture yourself are very important. Find the silence, the cave as you say, to protect yourself. And know that everything comes in the right time, in the right way. There is a plan. Don’t worry about it, don’t worry at all. There is a plan and we are with you. I am with you in this, and more women and men from our lineage. Does this make sense to you?’

Yes it does.

‘So never doubt to ask for support. Never be ashamed to ask for support, even in the darkest moments. Ask for me, I’ll be there with you.’

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