22.XX SPAIN, Alhama, Soul Liberation

Tuning into the MMF 2019, when all is over.

‘We would like to praise you as a group. We are the grandmothers and the mothers of Africa. We are the elders from an old lineage. You as this group went into the darkest pit, which took a lot of courage and a lot of effort. But you had the faith to be led, to come here to do this ritual of release and liberation. You might not be aware at this moment in time what you have done, but know that it is beyond any known limits. Because you have released the shackles of thousands, energies that have been stuck for many centuries have been able to come to the surface within you, but also within the collective field of Africa and what has happened to the African people. But not only to the African people. We represent this so-called dark continent, but we are connected to so many other wisdom circles in the world.

We are speaking to you to your higher self. That part of your soul that knows what is has been doing. Which part you have been playing. We acknowledge that on a personal level that can be confusing, cause your personalities have been stretched to the max. But know that you can carry this energy, know that you can handle this power, know that you have upgraded yourself to this level of energetic work that is so needed in this time of change. So give yourself some comfort and some release now. Rest and know that we are here to carry you, to hold you and to nourish you. Because this gate between the dark continent and the northern continent has been opened.

There is nothing you need to do now. Just be present with what is. Give yourself some space and time to enjoy this deep process of soul retrieval and soul liberation. We are with you.’

(Cortijo in Alhama, 21/07/2019)

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