23.02 EUROPE, Brussels, Dark Forces Within Europe

Ton, Anne and Rosemarijn in Schiplaken.

‘There are dark forces in Brussels. Those dark forces are very powerful, they try to disrupt the European Union. Through money and lobbying they bring greed and arrogance and that’s how through major companies suppression is exercised in many parts of the world, in South America, in Africa, in Asia, but also in Europe itself. They rule from behind, that’s the dark side of the European Union, while there is also a light side, which is the power of the people. But this power of the people needs to be strengthened and the power of darkness needs to be revealed, so everyone can see how they are manipulating and ruining this integrity to the European Union. They use every means to stay on top, but staying out of sight as well. They work from behind the scenes.’

Rose: ‘They bring people in discredit. They know all the secrets.’

Anne: ‘That is the reason why the stem of the tree in the Tervuren Parc must be solidified. Then the tree can be shaken. But that will bring about a storm. So the totem pole must be grounded very deeply. Because all will come in motion. It is also connected to Leopold. It’s about the past, everythin is being uncovered. That’s why we have to work there tomorrow.’

Ton: ‘Only if it can be contained in love and compassion, all these things can be transformed and revealed.’

Rose: ‘But we need the force and the knowledge of the trees, the tree people.’

Anne: ‘And the African people.’

Rosemarijn: ‘The whole nature.’

Ton: ‘And the shamans, of South America.’

Anne: ‘They will show us what we need to do.’

Rose: ‘The medicine men are waiting for you. They will reveal their deepest secrets to you, so you can accomplish your mission. Because you honour their knowledge, their power, their light.’

Anne: I feel Roxanne present as well.’

Rose: ‘Yes, Mother will come along. She will come in spirit.’


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