25.38 UK, Glasgow, Take Your Leadership

With Agnes, in the Whale House.

Merlin speaks: ‘Take your power, take your leadership. Not from the ego, but it is time that the spiritual element of life becomes permanent again, not in the old ways of the church and the religions, but of the innate spirituality of life itself.

Connect to the trees, the bushes, the plants, the herbs, the crystals, the animals, the fish and the birds. They are all part of the fabric of life and they have a message for you. They are your kindred spirits, they have consciousness and they are aware of what is happening. The whales and the dolphins are speaking to you. The owls, the eagles and the condors are speaking to you. If you open your heart you will hear their message. The dogs and the cats and the ducks and the swans, they all speak a message to you, to you humans.

Unless you change your ways you will destroy your own home. Unless you understand your whole cycle of life you will not survive. You are in hubris, thinking that if you can fly to another planet you can save yourself, or if you create technology that transcends nature you will live forever. But you won’t.

There is a great sadness if you don’t understand the interconnectedness between all of nature, of which you are an integral part. Not above, not below, but a part of that whole system, called planet Earth.

Now it needs leaders who show the way, people who understand this connection and this oneness. It is time they speak out and stand tall with humility and with grandeur, with greatness.

Show them the sword of destiny. Bring the sword to Glasgow, as well as the Grail and the Stone and the Lance; the 4 elements, earth, water, fire and sky. The four trumps, so the fifth element can arise and be seen and felt within the hearts of men and women. Don’t exclude anyone nor blame anyone, but take full responsibility for your own task, your own position, a 100 percent.

I am Merlin, Crowner of kings, magic weirdo and juster, opening up the portals of time.

Because I can see through time, through the past and the future, to bring you the gift in this present. I am in you and I am in the other reality, I am a traveller, keeping the doors open. Are you ready?’


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